Sitemap - 2022 - Francis Sedgemore - science | society | culture

Happy Solstice!

Chivalrous sexism is a thing

Twitter vs the fediverse

Climate change - Greenland ice loss significantly underestimated

How to deal with spattering squeezy sauce bottles

How to end the Covid pandemic

Animals have been making noise for more than 400 million years

News deprivation is damaging democracy

Riding on a wave of light

Regina Perrin - the rise and fall of Liz Truss

What makes music swing?

Mouthwashes may suppress Covid virus

Saliva test could provide early warning for severe Covid

Something hot is zipping around our galaxy's supermassive black hole

Explaining atheism

Don't be rude to Nigel Farage on Twitter

UK starts dispute proceedings on EU research exclusion

Forest responses to climate change

Humans were drinking animal milk long before they could digest it

The Tory leadership hopefuls are a wretched hive of scum and villainy

Physics: good vibrations show how Big G is inCONSisTANT

James Webb telescope should lead us to focus on the Long Now

It's not over til the fat fecker farts

Untergang der Pfeffel

Boris Force One ready for take off

Ukrainian mathematician wins a Fields Medal

We have to talk about Keir

Happy birthday to the NHS!

US Supreme Court blows up government authority to regulate carbon emissions

One swallow does not a summer make

RIP Colin Blakemore and Deborah James

Of floating voters and unflushable turds

Fiona Bruce: 'Let's hear from a(nother) Tory voter'

Albion's emperor and muse go into exile

Polio virus in London's sewage

Wrong kind of lies on the line

Is Brexit just a generational issue?

Mad cat ladies FTW!

Covid - it ain't over 'til the thin lady stops penning op-eds

Ukraine's EU bid - existential for the EU as well as the country itself

Social mobility is for the elite

The COP26 global warming target may be toast

EU fails both Ukraine and itself over Russian oil

A very English coop (sic) d'etat


Vaccine acceptance and soft public opinion

Carbon bombs that could blow up in our faces

Is Macron's parallel Europe a risk too far?

Climate change may increase virus transmission between species

Francis the depressive lab rat

What would it mean for the UK to be a “science superpower”?

Of political villains and goetic demons

Science colonialism skews the fossil record